
Headspace Health’s offering and how it has helped users across the globe 

It’s no secret that mental health services are strained to their limit. As such, there has been an increase in people taking matters into their own hands and using apps, like Headspace, to help. Simon Miller – International Partnerships Lead,...

Gene therapy boosts ‘cold shock protein’ in the brain without cooling mice against neurodegenerative disease

Researchers at the University of Cambridge and Freie Universität Berlin are exploring how gene therapy and the cold shock protein can help significantly reduce neurodegenerative diseases in humans. We hear more below… Scientists in Cambridge and...

Sensydia achieves study target for heart-sound AI 

Sensydia has announced that it has completed its 225-subject development study at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC). This study was conducted at UPMC to collect data for its innovative AI-powered, non-invasive  Cardiac...

BMO offers free access to Headspace to North American employees and their families 

BMO and Headspace, a global leader in mindfulness and meditation, has announced a new partnership to help BMO employees and their families build healthy habits into their everyday routines.  Headspace offers a range of tools for managing stress,...