Roche launches the first test to use its breakthrough TAGS technology for high throughput, simultaneous detection of 12 respiratory viruses 

Roche launches the first test to use its breakthrough TAGS technology for high throughput, simultaneous detection of 12 respiratory viruses 

Roche has announced the launch of the cobas Respiratory flex test, the first to use Roche’s novel and proprietary TAGS (Temperature-Activated Generation of Signal) technology.  

TAGS technology, developed by Roche scientists, uses multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing, combined with colour, temperature and data processing, to identify as many as 15 pathogens in a single PCR test. Typically, PCR tests on a high throughput analyser are able to identify four results in a single test – TAGS technology makes it possible to increase this number to fifteen. This will enable syndromic panel testing on the high throughput molecular diagnostic analysers cobas 5800, 6800 and 8800, which is especially important when a common group of symptoms can be related to more than one pathogen. 

“Many respiratory illnesses share similar symptoms, making them difficult to diagnose. As respiratory outbreaks, combined with growing incidence of antibiotic resistance continue, getting an accurate and timely diagnosis is critical to providing the best care for patients and curbing transmission,” said Matt Sause, CEO of Roche Diagnostics. “Using TAGS technology, the cobas Respiratory flex test can help clinicians identify specific respiratory viruses sooner, helping to speed up diagnosis and get the right care to patients.” 

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