New insights to tackle major global health data research challenges 

New insights to tackle major global health data research challenges 

An analysis of the challenges faced by researchers during the International COVID-19 Data Alliance (ICODA) programme has shed new light on solutions that could accelerate global health data research. 

At the height of the pandemic, Health Data Research UK (HDR UK) convened ICODA, bringing together an international alliance of partners to enable researchers worldwide – particularly in low- and middle-income countries – to harness the power of health data.   

Given the urgent health needs presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, speed was vital in the delivery of driver projects and all were set up to deliver insights within a short timeframe of 12 to 18 months. 

Key challenges included the time required to prepare the data, getting data-sharing agreements signed across differing national legal frameworks, and ensuring the data was shared across borders in a secure, ethical and trustworthy manner. 

Working with the ICODA team, the research teams found innovative solutions to address these challenges, including the use of standardised data sharing agreements, a structured ethics and governance framework, and the provision of a cloud-hosted trusted research environment to provide a secure space for undertaking collaborative research.  The teams also used innovative approaches to engage and involve local communities and policymakers, helping build trust and the uptake of research insights to inform health policies and practices. 

Professor Andrew Morris, Director of HDR UK and a co-author on the paper, said: “I am very grateful to all the partners and research teams involved in ICODA for sharing their insights and learnings, and hope these enable researchers across the international community to use data science approaches to address a wider range of global health challenges.” 

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