HDR UK and GA4GH form a partnership to unite genomic and health data 

HDR UK and GA4GH form a partnership to unite genomic and health data 

Health Data Research UK (HDR UK) and the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) have announced a strategic partnership to expand existing open standards work and collaborate in the wider health data space. Together, both organisations plan to learn from global partners and promote adoption of health data related standards around the world. 

GA4GH is an international community of hundreds of leading organisations in healthcare, patient advocacy, research, ethics, government, life science and information technology working together to advance human health through genomic data. Its members develop technical standards, policy frameworks and tools to expand the responsible and secure use of genomic and related health data for the benefit of human health. 

The partnership with HDR UK marks GA4GH’s first strategic relationship with a health data research organisation.  

“There’s a history of genomic data sharing for research, dating back to 1990 with the launch of the Human Genome Project,” said GA4GH CEO, Peter Goodhand. “But to truly realise the promise of precision medicine, we must enable responsible and ethical use of health data as well. By partnering with HDR UK, we can make strides towards bridging the gap between research and healthcare.” 

“We are excited to work more closely with GA4GH,” said Andrew Morris, Director of HDR UK. “Standards are critical in the analysis of large-scale datasets, enabling collaboration and enhancing reproducibility to deliver innovative research for public benefit”. 

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