XRHealth releases PTSD therapy packages 

XRHealth releases PTSD therapy packages 

XRHealth, a leading healthcare platform in spatial computing, is releasing a full PTSD package for XR therapy. The offering will include practices in mindfulness, art therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, exposure therapy and EMDR. Due to the current need, XRHealth also opened a PTSD centre in Tel Aviv, Israel, where clinical therapy and training in spatial computing treatment for trauma is done which will become a world hub for the use of XR to treat trauma. 

The PTSD package aims to assist in the recovery of those affected by the attacks in Israel by increasing daily functioning and reducing the burden from mental health clinicians. XRHealth has actively deployed VR therapy headsets throughout hospitals in Israel to aid in the recovery of the crisis. Within a few months, the PTSD package will be rolled out in the United States and Europe. 

Once a patient is identified as a candidate for the PTSD package, they will receive a headset at home that is preloaded with a VR mindfulness self-guided intervention that will address symptoms of emotional dysregulation, insomnia and stress while the patient is on the waiting list for a provider to assist with treatment. When the patient is assigned a therapist, they will begin to treat the trauma with Virtual Reality that will immerse the user in environments that elicit the underlying feelings of the trauma, which helps them process the trauma more quickly. They will also be treated under EMDR protocols powered by the VR headsets. Clinicians will also assign VR homework for the patient to complete between sessions and will be able to monitor progress remotely. 

“We believe our technology can make a big impact on the Israeli market and help a lot of people suffering from trauma that resulted from the war. The PTSD package and our services are designed to create a virtual environment where patients could recover more quickly from trauma on site or from the comfort of their own home,” said Eran Orr, CEO of XRHealth. “We incorporated many treatment modalities that are used by therapists globally to treat trauma and the added value of virtual reality creates an immersive environment so that patients can be engaged with treatment actively while the clinician can receive data insights to monitor the users’ progress.” 

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