Rotenburg Hospital becomes the latest to adopt Versius 

Rotenburg Hospital becomes the latest to adopt Versius 

CMR Surgical, a global surgical robotics business, announced that Kreiskrankenhaus Rotenburg, Germany has become the latest hospital in Germany to adopt the next-generation surgical robotic system, Versius. 

Introducing robotic surgery for the first time, Kreiskrankenhaus Rotenburg will be using Versius to conduct a range of procedures including complex visceral surgery, abdominal tumour surgery, colorectal surgery, hernia surgery and general surgery. 

Kreiskrankenhaus Rotenburg is a local hospital in Germany, delivering surgery, internal medicine, and gynaecology services. The clinic where Versius has been adopted focuses on general, visceral and trauma surgery, and covers the spectrum of advanced surgical care including gastroenterological surgery and oncological surgery. 

Dr Martin Oechsner, Medical Director and General Surgeon at Kreiskrankenhaus Rotenburg, said: “We are happy to be able to offer robotic-assisted surgery to our patients as part of our mission to deliver the highest standard of surgical care. We are also proud to be a reference site for robotic surgery with Versius in Germany. Together with CMR, we want to expand the use of robotic-assisted surgery and thus provide our patients with even more individual care. We are impressed with the small, modular form factor of Versius as it enables us to optimise the surgery based on our patient need. We are delighted that our patients, many of whom are having complex general surgery will now benefit from this next-generation of surgical robotics.” 

Massimiliano Colella, Chief Commercial Officer of CMR Surgical, added: “We look forward to partnering closely with Kreiskrankenhaus Rotenburg in Germany. Versius was designed to benefit small, medium and large hospitals and we are delighted that Kreiskrankenhaus Rotenburg have chosen Versius to bring robotic-assisted minimal access surgery to their patients. We want to expand access to surgical robotics, and with Versius we want more hospitals that have not previously adopted a surgical robot to be able to offer this to their patients as surgical robotics should not be centred purely in the large hospital centres. With Versius, we hope that more local hospitals in Germany can start robotic surgery programmes to help benefit patients in their community and beyond.” 

There are now over 140 Versius installations around the world. Across Europe, centres include the Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (UK), Cambridge University Hospitals (UK), Policlinico di Milano (Italy), Klinikum Chemnitz (Germany) and The University Clinical Centre in Gdańsk (Poland) to name a few. 

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