Microsoft to help rural hospitals defend against rising cyber attacks 

Microsoft to help rural hospitals defend against rising cyber attacks 

Microsoft has launched a new cybersecurity program to support hospitals serving more than 60 million people living in rural America.  

According to the National Rural Health Association (NRHA), rural health clinics are one of the top targets for cyberattacks. The new Microsoft Cybersecurity Program for Rural Hospitals is designed to support the unique cybersecurity needs of these organizations – delivering free and low-cost technology services for these hospitals, along with free training and support. 

“Healthcare should be available no matter where you call home, and the rise in cyberattacks threatens the viability of rural hospitals and impact communities across the US,” said Justin Spelhaug, Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Philanthropies.  

“Microsoft is committed to delivering vital technology security and support at a time when these rural hospitals need them most.” 

Microsoft will also provide free cybersecurity assessments and free cybersecurity training to staff in rural hospitals to help them better manage the day-to-day security of their systems. 

The program will work in close collaboration with The White House, the American Hospital Association and the National Rural Health Association. 

“Rural hospitals face a unique challenge in cybersecurity, balancing limited resources with the increasing sophistication of cyberthreats, which puts patient data and critical healthcare infrastructure at risk,” said Alan Morgan, CEO, NRHA. “This important partnership with Microsoft will help ensure that rural hospitals are prepared in the future to meet this rising threat in small rural facilities.” 

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